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February Break

Peachtree Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

• From the Attendance office


Attendance Information

Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 3:15 PM
To report absences 24/7, please contact the Attendance Office at 678-676-7719 or email [email protected].


Students are expected to be in class by 8:35 AM. Any student arriving after this time must sign in at the Attendance Office to receive a pass to class. Please call ahead if your child will be late.

Early Checkout Procedures:

  • Parents/Guardians must send a signed note with their child on the day of the early checkout. The note should include:
    • The time of pickup
    • The reason for the early checkout
    • Please call before 1:00 PM for early checkout
  • The student should bring the note to the Attendance Office before the start of first period.
The Attendance Office will issue a pass for the student to present to the teacher in the class they are leaving. This helps minimize disruptions during class time. The student may then leave at the designated time and proceed to the Attendance Office.
  • Parent/Guardian ID: All parents must present a valid ID at the front door when picking up their child.
  • Checkout Deadline: Early checkouts end at 3:15 PM, when the Attendance Office closes. If a parent arrives after this time, the student will be called during the afternoon announcements at 3:55 PM.
  • Important: Students without a signed note will not be checked out or receive messages after 3:15 PM.

Reporting Absences:

If your child will be absent, please notify the Attendance Office by calling 678-676-7719 on the day of the absence. It is your responsibility to inform the school.
Upon returning, please submit a written note or doctor's excuse to the Attendance Office that verifies the absence, including the date and reason.
  • Excused Absences: Illness, doctor’s appointments, death in the family, religious holidays, or service as a congressional page.
  • Unexcused Absences: Any absence not properly reported or documented.
Students may request makeup work from the Counseling Office. To do so, please call 678-676-7711 for your child’s grade level counselor starting on the third day of absence. If the absence is fewer than three days, the student should collect makeup work directly from the teachers.